News & Updates: Introducing Our New Intern Minyi

Minyi Jiang – Publicity Intern

Minyi first learned about Rumi through a historical lens, then found his poetry through the Rumi Educational Center. Her interest in Rumi sprung from her interest in international relations, specifically between the Middle East, the U.S. and China. Minyi manages the Rumi Educational Center LinkedIn is involved in marketing research, helping to promote the center and its mission.

Her role in the center has helped her to understand the inner workings of a non-prophet as well as learn more about Middle Eastern culture and history. She is currently studying Statistics and Middle Eastern Studies as a third year at UCSB, and hopes to continue her studies of the Middle East through her Graduate Education & potential travels. Through Rumi, Minyi has gained insight on her relationship with herself, others, and the environment.

To visit our LinkedIn page, run by Minyi, please click here.