Rumi's Birthday 2021

Today is Rumi's 814th birthday. Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī was born on September 30, 1207 in present-day Afghanistan. Even centuries later it is a universal wisdom that can be used by all people to find wisdom of love to change the world in profound and effective ways.

This year we share with you the effect of Rumi's teachings have on our younger generation in a message we put together to honour the life and work of Rumi on his 814th birthday. Dr. Fariba Enteshari discussed the Wisdom of Love and the Quest for Enlightenment which intensifies the exponential growth. She is joined by Kiana Ranjbaran, REC Programs intern, who discusses how studying Rumi has impacted her. They share with you this message to keep Rumi's wisdoms alive so we can continue to teach his legacy in our time.